Hey there, Pedma here! Welcome to this free edition of Pedma’s Newsletter. Each week, I'll share with you a blend of market research, personal trading experiences, and practical strategies, all aimed at making the world of systematic trading more relatable and accessible.
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Hey everyone, Pedma here!
This past week has been tough in terms of work. Lots to do and very little time.
After receiving some of your reviews, it came to my attention that I was sending too many of my performance updates.
I was writing one of those almost every day.
But you are here for strategies and perhaps a performance update once in a while.
I guess I wanted to drive home the fact that I am a real trader, with my own capital at risk, in order to distinguish this newsletter from all the others that are just theoretical.
It is what it is, I am still learning what to post on these articles and how to provide more value to you, the reader.
So I’ve decided to give a crypto market update once a week, and a portfolio performance review by the end of each month.
On another topic, I have yet to upload this weekend’s research article.
I delayed it because I wasn’t completely sure of the results and once I post something, I want to be able to completely defend it.
To help me with the regular schedule, I’ve asked a friend to help me code at least 2 strategies a month. More on that soon!
I am aiming to finish this one by tomorrow and to post it. I will have a brief overview of the strategy in today’s report.
Let’s get on with today’s article!
“Tldr” (Too Long; Didn’t Read)
This Week’s Trading Strategy
Crypto Market Report
Personal Portfolio Performance