Refunding old subscribers
I always aim to keep my word.
I couldn’t sleep if I knew that I failed to provide the content I promised to all of you that spent your hard earned money on my newsletter.
My main focus is trading and improving on my trading systems. Writing here every day to the level of detail I was providing was becoming unsustainable for the current schedule I have. Also people want to see my actual trading and my thoughts on a daily basis rather than abstract scanners and research that don’t mean that much to them.
So last week I issued a refund to all the old subscribers.
This is not the end
I’ve focused too much on saying the “right” things rather than actually providing value to the people. I don’t think that I am better than anyone at trading, but I am ahead a few steps on the learning curve than most people. And I actually have a proven track record.
All of these performance metrics I share can be traced on my twitter account where I’ve been sharing performance consistently throughout these last few years. I am here for the long term. So why not share my journey with people that are still learning and don’t have proper guidance?
I’ve come from a non-traditional background. I studied electrical engineering in high school (works a bit different in my country) and then I took a 1 year course in accounting. I never went to college but markets were always a big interest of mine.
It’s normal to be very naive when we start to learn any subject. We see all of these profits, cars, houses and flashy lifestyles from supposed trading “gurus” and suddenly we start giving them value in our minds because they seem to do well.
The reality is that most of these “traders” make money from your subscriptions to their services and not actual trading. There’s million ways to fake P&L’s and you will see that most of them will never show you an audited statement or even an equity curve from their brokers as I’ve been showing for years now.
That’s where I want to step in. I want to be the person that shares my journey, being an actual trader in the midst of a see of frauds. For that I must initially maintain my newsletter pretty simple and straight to the point as I can’t allocate that much time to it at the moment.
My style of trading
I am not the traditional “technical analysis” type of trader as you’ve probably noticed from my newsletter and twitter if you’ve been following me. I focus on systematic trading. I am usually trading higher timeframe systems that do not require my daily attention but that are efficient at capturing market momentum. Below is my actual performance but more detailed than the equity curve from Binance.
As you can see I usually hold positions for 13 days on average which is pretty low frequency. My strategy is to focus on high momentum periods, and be very conservative during periods of lack of momentum.
I focus mostly on crypto right now as that is to me one of the markets with the highest potential for reward right now. There’s tons of risk associated with it of course, and that’s why there’s so many opportunities to be exploited there. People are not willing, yet, to have real capital in shady brokers that are not regulated. Large institutions have a hard time being compliant with current regulatory environment which makes them stay away.
All of these factors and others make crypto one of the markets with the largest ratio of unsophisticated traders. And that generates opportunity for those that take trading seriously as a business and want to be here for the long-term.
What will I be sharing going forward
1 post every 2 days with updates on the market, trades that I am looking at and portfolio performance.
My thoughts on the market
New ideas for strategies that I am building
Good content I find online. Here I will be sharing everything that I find of value from my own research and talk a little about it
General updates on anything related to my trading business.
This will also serve as my personal trading journal going forward. I imagine myself in a few years from now reading this and analyzing my beliefs and the growth I had since then. It will be a fun experience and I hope you join the ride!